Concentrate on dynamic views and data dictionary
Types of views dba views, all views and user views
Use of Putty
1. TNS
files (Transparent Network Substrate (TNS)) – TNS
Configuration- tnsnames.ora file
2. Listener
The Listener is
comprised of two binaries:
tnslsnr which is the Listener itself
The Listener Control Utility
(lsnrctl) which is used to administer the Listener on the server or remotely.
Transparent Network Substrate
(TNS) is the network protocol used by Oracle for connectivity to Oracle
– and some importance profile parameter like sqlnet.authentication_services etc
4. Two methods by which a listener comes to know of a
database instance. In Oracle terminology, this is referred to as “registering
with the listener.” Static instance registration and dynamic
instance registration with listener & Local_listener parameter
5. Listener.log – location of it and use of it
6. Utility
7. Utility
Note: TNSPING runs over the TNS layer.
Similar to TCP/IP's ping utility, tnsping sends a short message to the
listener. The type of message is known to all Oracle listeners. It requests
acknowledgement that the service name is valid and that the listener is
configured to handle
requests for that service name.
v$psfile_users data dictionary
Connecting to Database
Using putty from windows machine
Try and understand the meaning of secured connection
Creating Database manually and with the help of DBCA
to create database
involved in creating database
What is
Types of
Parameters in a pfile/spfile
Normal Parameters. These could be seen through the show
parameter parametername
Hidden Parameters or underscore parameters.
How to see hidden parameters (Through which views) - extra
While using hidden parameters what precaution we should take
– extra
V$views and dba_, all_, user_ views
V$process, v$session etc
Managing Controlfiles
What Is a Control File?
Guidelines for Control Files - Size of a
control file
Calculate the size of a control file
Control Files
Contents of Controlfile
Multiplexing Controlfile
Backup of Controlfile (Trace & Binary)
Multiplexing Controlfile
Backup of Controlfile (Trace & Binary)
Recreating controlfile using trace
Use of backing control file
Recovering a Control File Using a Current Copy
Dropping Control Files
Displaying Control File Information – related data dictionary views like v$controlfile
Use of backing control file
Recovering a Control File Using a Current Copy
Dropping Control Files
Displaying Control File Information – related data dictionary views like v$controlfile
and v$controlfile_record_section
Parameter - controlfile record
keep time
Controlfiles (Cloning) – adv
Renaming database
How to do cloning, steps required for cloning a
database, control file and clone
Multiplexing of controlfiles
The minimum number of days that a
reusable record is kept in the controlfile is controlled by the control_file_record_keep_time parameter.
Control file growth and size
Managing Redologs
of Redo logs
Need of Redo logs
Multiplexing of Redo logs- group and member,
delete Redologs – group and members etc.
Information about
redo log groups and members- data dictionary
Log writer –
conditions on which log writer writes
Parameters in the
pfile/spfile decides the redolog members and groups
Maximum and minimum
of redo log members and groups
V$database –
log_mode column for understanding whether the database is in archive log mode
or not as well as Archive log list command also shows whether the database is in archive log mode or not
V$log – for info
about group (column status shows the status of a group)
v$logfile – for info about members within a group (column status shows status of a log member)
v$logfile – for info about members within a group (column status shows status of a log member)
List all the
possible status for a log member and log group
Log status, Logfile
Status, Log sequence No,
Putting database in
archive/noarchive log mode
Changing archive
location ( current location filled or reasons like this)
Configuring FRA
(Flashback recovery area – prerequisite to do it)
the Storage Structure of Your Database
Row chaining and row migration
Temporary Tablespace Groups
Rollback Segments
Redo Log Groups
Active Logs
Segment vs object
Storage Structure
Types of Segments?
Extent Allocation & Deallocation
Block Structure, Row Structure
Block Space Utilization Parameters
Types of Segments?
Extent Allocation & Deallocation
Block Structure, Row Structure
Block Space Utilization Parameters
High water mark – (to set the high
water mark below – truncating tables, shrink etc)
Managing Tablespace
Types of tablespace management
(Locally & Dictionary) Adv & Disadv
Difference between local and dictionary managed Tablespaces
Difference between local and dictionary managed Tablespaces
Management i.e. extent management within a tablespace
in 10g) managed
managed(not used in 11g)
Extent Management i.e. extent allocation
Whether the extents allocated will be same
in size (Uniform) or oracle decides the extent size:
Segment Space Management
Manual -
(default) – bitmap
segment space management for system, temp and undo tablespace is manual in Oracle 10g. If try to create a
temporary tablespace with the following syntax:
SQL>create temporary tablespace
temp2 tempfile 'C:\temp\temp02.dbf' size 50M
extent management local segment
space management auto;
create temporary tablespace temp2
tempfile 'C:\temp\temp02.dbf' size 50M extent
management local segment space management auto
at line 1:
ORA-30573: AUTO
segment space management not valid for this
type of tablespace
Guidelines for Managing Tablespaces
Creating Tablespaces – (while creating tablespace- options such as logging/nologging/
Specifying Nonstandard Block Sizes for Tablespaces
Controlling the Writing of Redo Records
Altering Tablespace Availability
Using Read-Only Tablespaces
Creating Tablespaces – (while creating tablespace- options such as logging/nologging/
, Storage
such as size, next, maxsize, autoextent on/uniform size nk)Specifying Nonstandard Block Sizes for Tablespaces
Controlling the Writing of Redo Records
Altering Tablespace Availability
Using Read-Only Tablespaces
10g feature - Default Permanent
10g feature - Rename Tablespace
10g feature -SYSAUX Tablespace
10 g feature -Multiple Temporary Tablespaces: Using
Tablespace Groups
10g feature- BigFile Tablespace
Dropping Tablespaces
Diagnosing and Repairing Locally Managed Tablespace Problems
Migrating the SYSTEM Tablespace to a Locally Managed Tablespace
Transporting Tablespaces between Databases- Transportable tablespace
Viewing Tablespace Information – dba_tablespaces, dba_tablespace_groups, v$tablespace etc.
Diagnosing and Repairing Locally Managed Tablespace Problems
Migrating the SYSTEM Tablespace to a Locally Managed Tablespace
Transporting Tablespaces between Databases- Transportable tablespace
Viewing Tablespace Information – dba_tablespaces, dba_tablespace_groups, v$tablespace etc.
Creating Locally Managed Tablespace
Alter Locally Managed tablespace – Change Availability (Online, Offline, RO, RW) Storage options, Coalesce, Add/ Drop/ Rename datafile
Alter Locally Managed tablespace – Change Availability (Online, Offline, RO, RW) Storage options, Coalesce, Add/ Drop/ Rename datafile
Managing Undo & Temporary Tablespace
What Is Undo? What are
the contents of UNDO?
Undo Tablespace – Create Undo
Tablespace Alter - Add file, Rename/Relocate file)
Switch Undo Tablespace-
You can create multiple Undo tablespaces in a database but only
one of them can be active at any one time. A particular Undo tablespace can be
activated by using the ALTER SYSTEM SET UNDO_TABLESPACE command
Introduction to Automatic Undo Management
Setting the Undo Retention Period - UNDO_RETENTION – initialization parameter
Setting the Undo Retention Period - UNDO_RETENTION – initialization parameter
Sizing the Undo Tablespace
Managing Undo Tablespaces
Migrating to Automatic Undo Management
Viewing Information About Undo, for e.g. V$UNDOSTAT etc
Managing Undo Tablespaces
Migrating to Automatic Undo Management
Viewing Information About Undo, for e.g. V$UNDOSTAT etc
Undo retention in 10g release 2
RETENTION GUARANTEE clause for the undo tablespace
ORA-1555 (snapshot too old) error.
Why is temportary tablespace required? Can we do without it?
Creating a Locally Managed Temporary Tablespace
Creating a Bigfile Temporary Tablespace- 10g Feature
Creating a Bigfile Temporary Tablespace- 10g Feature
Create Temp Tablespace
Drop Temp Tablespace
Multiple Temporary Tablespaces: Using Tablespace
Groups- Creating a Tablespace Group, Changing Members of a Tablespace Group,
Assigning a Tablespace Group as the Default Temporary Tablespace
Managing Datafiles
Guidelines for Managing Datafiles
Creating Datafiles and Adding Datafiles to a Tablespace
Changing a Datafile's Size
Creating Datafiles and Adding Datafiles to a Tablespace
Changing a Datafile's Size
Altering Datafile Availability
Renaming and Relocating, resize Datafiles
Renaming and Relocating, resize Datafiles
Change Availability of Datafiiles
Dropping Datafiles
Verifying Data Blocks in Datafiles
Mapping Files to Physical Devices
Viewing Datafile Information
Dropping Datafiles
Verifying Data Blocks in Datafiles
Mapping Files to Physical Devices
Viewing Datafile Information
Add Datafiles to tablespace,
Limitations When Adding Datafiles to
a Tablespace- DB_FILES
initilialization parameter and the
MAXDATAFILES parameter of create
database or create control file command. The error ORA-00059 relating to the
DB_FILES parameter and solution to it
storage structure
Control Files
Online Redo Log Files
Archive Log Files
Other Storage Structures like undo tablespaces
Other Storage Structures like undo tablespaces
Create, alter, drop, rename table, rename column
of a table
DDL statements
Data Integrity, Users Privileges & Roles
How a user connects to database?
(Normal user like Scott)
Concept of RDBMS
Constraints & Business Rule
User & Schema
Create users
Create users
allocating default
tablespace and quota on it.
Assigning temporary
changing default
database default
Grant to user
What are Roles?
Adv of Roles? purpose of creating roles
Default Roles
Creating , Altering & Droping Roles
Effect of Alter & Drop
Grant to Role
Creating , Altering & Droping Roles
Effect of Alter & Drop
Grant to Role
list out few roles
and privileges in them.
Creating role
Connect, Resource
Why when granted
resource role to any user, it even give quota unlimited on all the available
Can we give
unlimited quota on tablespace to a role
Can we grant
sysdba/sysoper privilege to a role
System & Object Privileges
Granting system privileges
with admin option
Granting privileges With Admin/ With Grant
Revoking System & Object Privileges – Effect of revoke?
Object privileges with grant option
Revoking System & Object Privileges – Effect of revoke?
Object privileges with grant option
Need to have profiles, What are Profiles?
Creation of a profile
Creation of a profile
Password Management features
The Oracle server provides a
password complexity verification function named VERIFY_FUNCTION.
This function is created with the /rdbms/admin/utlpwdmg.sql
script. The password complexity
verification function must be created in the SYS
schema. It can be used
as a template for you customized password verification.
Data dictionary dba_users have a
column profile which shows profile currently assigned to users
Create Profiles
Alter Profiles – Effect of altering
Drop Profile – Effect of Drop
Resource Management Features – How to Enable
Create Profiles
Alter Profiles – Effect of altering
Drop Profile – Effect of Drop
Resource Management Features – How to Enable
What is an index
Types of index
Data dictionary views for Index
Create- drop Index
Bitmap index (high and low cardinality)
Function based index
Index organized table(IOT)
Unique and non unique index
B-tree index
Rebuild index / reorganize index
or branch level (blevel column is present in user_indexes)
Height( height column is present in index_stats)
Analyze index
Alter index
Extra about Index
Extra: Changing database name using ( database utility NID ) Metalink
Automatic Storage Management :
Automatic Storage Management - feature introduced in Oracle 11g
· The new “SYSASM” role to manage the ASM instance, variable extent sizes to reduce shared pool usage &
· The ability of an instance to read from a specific disk of a diskgroup are just some of the great new features
ASM storage :
Storage components
ASM Disk Group Administration
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